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    Saturday, June 26, 2010

    I'll admit it, I like my world with you in it. Like a record, its broken. YEA YOU'RE A BUMP I'LL NEVER GET OVEERRR~~

    Slept @ 11pm plus & woke up 6am this morning.
    Unfruitful day.
    Went to Lavender for some tnet funfair, played the 3 on 3 bball.
    Pulled my team(TS, YJ) down, fuck myself haha.
    Lavender Food Square has the bestest wanton mee ever!
    I know, i'm a little bit suaku. Just a little hehe.
    I thought Changi V's was great.
    Heard there's a place called Fei Fei wanton mee which is great as well!
    (Only heard of it today :S)
    TS told me there's really such a thing as black hokkien mee.
    (Toldya im a little suaku :D)
    YTN told me before but i didnt believe her haha.
    (Not gng to admit this as being suaku cos i want my pride hehehe)
    Want to gym/ball as much as possible

    Sigh honestly i need to stop procrastinating, start to prioritize whats important & what is not! Okay first thing first would definitely be STUDYING. Everything else can go in any order haha.

    I shall:
    Study at least 2hrs a day!(I know its little but its a good start right)
    Play basketball maximum twice a week.
    Go gym whenever i'm done with studying for the day.
    I might want to start a habit of jogging, maybe around Changi? ^^ Sounds good!!

    The pros of doing all these is that i can surely save $$, maybe get better in studies, slowly build up my muscles & physical! This is a win-win situation but only if i'm able to abide by this self-made flexible "timetable", NEED SOME SELF-DISCIPLINE!!!

    There are no cons for this haha, oh maybe there will be problems socially like i might lose a few friends/become distant to some friends becos this sound like a very introverted lifestyle! Cannot man, im an extrovert! Okay i shall have to make some free time in-between this "tight" schedule.

    Sorry this post might be a little boring, or rather this blog is always very boring cos maybe there's just too much of me. Srsly, im not a self-obsessed person. Afterall there's always the [X] button on top left hand corner if you really dislike me/reading this blog! :)

    I don't want stress, or rather i hate stress. I know hate is a strong word, but i really really really don't like STREESSSS! Actually, nobody is putting any stress on me; my parents don't demand/expect anything of my studies(at least they don't show so), teachers are not stressing me out at all. Its always me, I'll always put stress on myself unknowingly cos i want to try to be at least close to perfection. Always fail haha, not even once close.


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