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    Sunday, August 30, 2009


    Home united training today early morning !

    Met John and YJ at WS.

    Didn't perform today ._.

    Ate Hungry Jack, breakfast set & mango snow ice

    21 > 58 > home

    Maple !


    Thursday, August 27, 2009

    Results results ..

    English 23/50
    Hmt 44/90
    Emaths 14/30 (overall 44/80)
    Sci(Physics) 30/40
    Sci(Chemistry) 26/40
    Humanities(E-Geog) 7/25 (overall 20+/50)
    Humanities(SS) 26/44
    POA - haven't got back, but at least 5/30
    D&T 12/50

    God damn it, quite disappointing results :(

    Failed 3 subjects 1 or 2 marks (EL, HMT & EM)
    Overall will probably pass anyway.

    Science no A1, just nice A2, quite disappointing.
    Hope my values marks adds to A1, science i have hand in homeworks.

    Humanities, rather expected. Regretted not studying for the MCQ (SS)
    I thought the mcq only like cary few marks.

    POA is a sure fail for me, D&T i really regretted not studying.
    Hope my project pulls my D&T results up, B3 last term !

    Hope at the end of the year i would at least pass all my subjects.
    Need to chiong hard for POA, E-Geog & E-Maths

    Aim for EOY ! (in report book)
    El B3 ~A1
    HMT C6
    E-Maths A1
    Combined Science A1
    Combined Humanities C6 ~B3
    POA C6 ~B3
    D&T C6 ~A1
    "O" level Chinese A1 / A2

    Jia kang add oil !


    Friday, August 21, 2009


    Life's like that, accept it. Get over it or do something about it.

    Common test is over ! I officially failed e-geog lolz.
    What I studied all never come out.
    Nehmind my other subjects I still have quite high hopes on them.

    I WANT TO DROP POA, BUT .. it might be useful in the future :( hen mao dun

    After e-geog test jeryl want find trouble .. retarded shit.
    Went to library then back to classroom and back to library again.
    Played some arcade bowling thing on ruhuan's iphone with marcus.
    Had 2 boring periods with lavania, I did some art on my hand.

    Went to yonghao house to guitar hero !
    K anyway I lazy type already goodnight


    Thursday, August 20, 2009

    this love is killing me, but you're the only one

    English , HCL & Sub Physics today

    All three subjects are very simple,
    I'm gonna pass all 6 tests and fail D&T
    I won't flunk common tests yay !

    McWings upsize coke no ice again, this time yonghao treat! :)
    My belated birthday present.
    Went to library did quite minimal study there
    After that went to 3R5 and did some actual studying on egeog
    I won't fail egeog tomorrow yay !



    Wednesday, August 19, 2009


    Today is a very happy day for me !

    SME student meal in the morning with breakfast mates,
    Went to school for common tests !

    Tests are all quite simple,
    Chemistry was quite unexpectedly simple
    Emaths was quite alright except for a few question
    SS as great just that not enough time to write more for SEQ

    Went for McWings upsize coke no ice with yongjian.
    Met priscilla and camille then took 28 to tampines mrt wait for am and perry.
    Stopped at payalebar and walked to SBC.
    I love the court cause its super waxed and I can touch the top of the rim.

    Played against a not-so-good hongkong team.
    I main five ! Alot of playing time also.
    Sadly scored only 4points, 1 free throw 1 3pter.
    Was quite a good game for me.
    Final score Home United 53 - 21 Hong Kong

    Life rocks for now yay !

    Monday, August 17, 2009

    Common tests

    I need chemistry, poa, e-geog & social studies pros
    Anyone can help ? :(

    English, e-maths, physics, hcl & dnt I think can make it

    Looking forward to wednesday ! home u vs hongkong @SBC


    Monday, August 10, 2009

    Happy birthday

    "You lift my feet off the ground,
    spin me around, you made me crazier,
    crazier, crazier ..."

    Yesterday was Singapore's, Francis Gregory's & Ryan's birthday ! Happy birthday 3 of them.

    Went to Whitesands meet Russell, Jun wei, Yong jian & one girl. Bought Francis Gregory a box of chocolates then take 354 go to his bbq. The lamb chop very steady ! Even though having sore throat, fucking yongjian still tempted me like shit & in the end I ate the lamb chop and WOW. Went to Ryan's condo around 8 plus. Marcus, Jasper, Yonghao, Yongjian, Eric, Tzesiang, Weibin, Rongshun, Shuqi, Carolyn, Rebecca, Krista, Xinyu, & few more self-invited went. Drank quite alot and Marcus was the biggest joker ! He got drunk. The girls were pretty much drunk too but went home early. Share alot of secrets poolside around 4plus and left Ryan's around 630. Went Pasir ris inter, after that Yh E M Rs went tampines inter while I went home.
