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    Monday, August 10, 2009

    Happy birthday

    "You lift my feet off the ground,
    spin me around, you made me crazier,
    crazier, crazier ..."

    Yesterday was Singapore's, Francis Gregory's & Ryan's birthday ! Happy birthday 3 of them.

    Went to Whitesands meet Russell, Jun wei, Yong jian & one girl. Bought Francis Gregory a box of chocolates then take 354 go to his bbq. The lamb chop very steady ! Even though having sore throat, fucking yongjian still tempted me like shit & in the end I ate the lamb chop and WOW. Went to Ryan's condo around 8 plus. Marcus, Jasper, Yonghao, Yongjian, Eric, Tzesiang, Weibin, Rongshun, Shuqi, Carolyn, Rebecca, Krista, Xinyu, & few more self-invited went. Drank quite alot and Marcus was the biggest joker ! He got drunk. The girls were pretty much drunk too but went home early. Share alot of secrets poolside around 4plus and left Ryan's around 630. Went Pasir ris inter, after that Yh E M Rs went tampines inter while I went home.
